Friday, August 5, 2011

कविता क्या है? (What IS POETRY)

कविता क्या है? (WHAT IS POETRY?)

How the first poem might be written

वियोगि होगा पहला कवि,
आह से उपजा होगा गान
छलक कर आँखों से चुप चाप
बही होगी कविता अन्जान .
                                                                        __ सुमित्रा नंदन पन्त

Poetry is nothing but a condition of stress in poets mind.

In the world of poetry stress is classified into two types
  1. Stress due to hardships in life.
  2. Stress due to Happiness.
Stress due to hardship in life is easy to grasp but Stress due to happiness is something which is not easily accepted by human mind.

For a poet this stress is nothing but jumbling of different kind of thoughts.

For example, if we meet someone or something inspires us then mind of a poet goes into continuous thinking process. This is very much similar to boiling of sea water.
Where, sea is similar to sea of knowledge (Depends on poet’s caliber).

The continuous thinking process results in cloud of intelligent thoughts because refining process on knowledge has already taken place during evaporation (continuous thinking).

The result is a heart touching poem which is nothing but shower of wisdom bestowed on the world by a poet.

So, we can also define poetry as a measure of person’s level of wisdom.

More the level of wisdom best is the poetry.

Comments and suggestions will be positively entertained.

                                      - SAXENA SANKALP RAJENDRA.

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